An industry expert & trusted partner...

We offer a dedicated executive search service, tailored to individual client needs. We are typically engaged on high level and often highly sensitive hires, for clients ranging from major industry leaders to niche start-ups. We have a longstanding reputation in the Cyber Security sector, and we are extremely well connected at this level, with notable dealings in North America, Canada, Central Europe, UK and Singapore
We offer both retained and contingency based search models.
Want to get insight into our approach...

Cloud Security
Network Security
Application Security
AI & Deep Learning

We will carry out an accurate and through assessment of your experience and the likelihood of our opportunity being interesting to you. If we reach out, either directly or indirectly, we will be fully transparent, supplying you with as much information as we can, including details of the compensation package.
We will provide an accurate and through overview of our client and their opportunity and where they sit in the wider market. We also have the experience and knowledge to both consult with you on industry market trends, plus we can offer broader advice on career direction and personal branding.